Our Approach

At SWAN Capital Solutions, we listen to every client’s needs, and design the very best choices for them, consistent with their unique circumstances and financial goals. We deliver investment solutions focused on strategic asset allocation, risk management and changing economic and regulatory landscape. Our team considers your financial goals and risk tolerance to ensure a diversified asset allocation while spreading the risk of your portfolio.

Our structured approach is founded on two major pillars:

Investment needs:

Expected liabilities, risk tolerance, investment constraints, and investment goals

Capital market expectations:

Returns, volatility/risks, correlation of returns and time horizon of investment

Our Investment Philosophy

  • Our investment philosophy is focused on the principle of value investments. We dissect each investment in its most intricate detail. We also believe in searching for enduring trends rather than temporary or speculative avenues.
  • Conducting business honourably, ethically and with utmost professionalism is on top of mind for our people. Before focusing on Return on Equity (RoE), we privilege Return on Ethics (RoE) as underpinned by our clean legal record and no outstanding legal claims.

Our Investment Process

Our investment process is centred around, and begins with, understanding our client's investment goals, risk appetite, and investment horizon. Our research team screens an array of ideas to identify and test potential investments for the portfolio creation. A top-down analysis is mainly performed for international markets while a bottom-up analysis is the preferred method for local market. Once we have agreed on these parameters, the appropriate measure will be chosen for the portfolio mandate and the strategy and asset allocation will be considered by the investment manager in collaboration with our Strategic Asset Allocation Committee.