Dollar Liquidity Fund
Protect and grow your savings with SWAN Capital Solutions. We are an active partner when it comes to your finances, starting with the new Dollar Liquidity Fund, a sub-fund of Swan Global Funds Ltd.
Currently available only in USD, the new fund was created with the view to accommodate the liquidity needed over the short-term whilst maintaining low volatility and providing a positive USD return.
- A remunerating alternative to cash at hand or idle cash.
- A gateway to USD based currency exposure.
- Ability to withdraw with daily valuation.
- No entry and exit fees*
SWAN Global Funds operates under the brand SWAN Capital Solutions and is authorized by the Financial Services Commission to operate as a collective investment scheme under the Securities Act 2005. The price of shares and any income derived from the fund may rise as well as fall and in certain circumstances, participants’ rights to redeem their shares may be suspended. Past performance is not indicative of future performances. This advert is for information purposes only.
Prospective investors should seek appropriate professional advice prior to making any investment decision. Applicants wishing to subscribe to Swan Dollar Liquidity Fund are required to read the prospectus and relevant Class Appendix available at Swan Office or on *All the cost are provided on the Prospectus/Class Appendix Swan Global Funds Ltd is an FSC licence holder operating under the brand SWAN Capital Solutions. FSC Licence No.: CI11000044